

quarta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2012

My Top 10 Favorite TV Series Part 2 - Final

Hey! Let's see my top 5!

5 - Skins

 Undoubtedly, Skins uk is the best teen drama series I've ever seen.
I watched all the seasons and I liked the most were 1th, 2th, 3th, 4th. The 5th was undoubtedly the worst but the 6th was not bad. My favorite characters were Cassie, Sid, Chris, Effy, Cook, JJ and Mini.
I like this series because explore the dark side of teenagers. is a pity that there isn't so many.

4- Game of Thrones

I watched Game of Thrones when it was in the second season, it was surprising. I really liked the story.  I must say that my hatred for King Joffrey surprised me, I think I never hated a character series as much as I hate him. I cried a lot when Khal Drogo died. My favorite characters are Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Arya Stark, and Daenerys Targaryen.
The bad thing is it takes a long time to start a new season. There are many books and seasons are year by year.

3- American Horror Story

It's one of my favorite series when I read the synopsis it was love at first sight, I'm crazy about scary things and this series has exceeded my expectations. The first season was not as good as it could be, there were many gaps in the last episode that have not been resolved and will not be now because the second season is totally different. The second season is very good, it was better than the first, but the content is more adult and talk about religious things. I still prefer the first Tate and Violet were very cute.

2- The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries would be the first place in my top 10, but then I thought, a series to be the best it has to be good in every way, but in the series I just like the Damon (of course!), Caroline (now not much) and Klaus (my bad guy) and It's over! I know this is fiction, but sometimes the series tires my intelligence! But to make it clear here I love TVD, I'm Delena and Team Klaus!

1- Gossip Girl

I have to tell you the truth, I had a lot of prejudice against this series and when I stoped to watch was already going to the fifth season. I just loved GG, Chuck and Blair epic! I cried a lot for both. What was ridiculous was the numerous failed attempts to put the Serena and Dan to be the main couple even though already in the first season they had lost to "Chair".
I've always been Team Chuck, but I will not deny that I loved to see Blair with Dan
And the ending was beautiful. The Gossip Girl was the only person I was sure it was not.
I did not like was the very end of Nate, but ok. I'll miss the series.

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